
Business Etiquette Essay

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Business Etiquette

The Importance of Etiquette Etiquette has always been an important part of life, be it social or business. However, it seems that business etiquette is has become more important in the last decade. This is mainly due to the fact that the business world is becoming more global and that “relationship selling” has become must for success. Etiquette is important for a variety of reasons. It helps to ease what might become and uneasy situation and can make or break business relationships that are worth millions of dollars. In essence, etiquette helps people to understand what is appropriate in any situation. It is also important to know the difference between business protocol and business etiquette. Business …show more content…

Basically the new Golden Rule should be applied in all situations; treat others, as they themselves would like to be treated.

How to Conduct Proper Introductions

Few people know how to conduct introductions in a proper fashion, yet they are an important aspect of our daily life. In the social realm, men are introduced to women. In the business realm, the less important person is introduced to the person of greater importance, regardless of either gender. Though a key aspect to remember is that the name of the person being introduced is mentioned last, and the person to whom the introduction is made is mentioned first. It is also critical to remember that the client is the biggest priority, even if he/she holds a lesser title.

In the business world the handshake is the accepted physical greeting which accompanies the introduction. With the entrance of women into the business world came kissing. This has caused confusion in male-female business etiquette, therefore, men and women should be treated equally by using the handshake. In order to shake hands properly the thumbs are up and the webs touch before wrapping the fingers around the other person’s hand. Although, in social etiquette the woman is to extend her hand first. In the business arena it is of no concern. Nametag placement is also important so that it becomes easy to read while shaking hands. The nametag is to be placed

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