
Essay on Buddhist view on Abortion

Decent Essays

It is quite clear from a variety of sources that abortion has been severely disapproved of in the Buddhist tradition. It is also equally clear that abortion has been tolerated in Buddhist Japan and accommodated under exceptional circumstances by some modern Buddhists in the U.S. The situation is similar to that of Roman Catholicism, where abortion, though disapproved of in the strongest terms by Church authorities, is still practiced by a large number of devoted Catholics and defended by at least a few.
As a Buddhist, I would most likely still be for abortion. Buddhism itself speaks with more than one moral voice on this issue against abortion. The core belief in Buddhism is against abortion, but there are commonly people of this religion …show more content…

If genes were entirely what made up a person, than abortion would not be acceptable, but that is not the case. In very early stages of a pregnancy, Buddhists don’t think of the fetus as a person yet.
I am a Japanese Buddhist. Where I’m from, Buddhism is a little bit different. A lot of Buddhists consider abortion a moral crime, but in Buddhist metaphysics, the life force comes from an existence which is fluid like water and returns to that existence. The fetus is understood to be in a stage of becoming a discrete thing passing out of the ancient waters. Life that appears in our world or in a woman's uterus is the formation of a being that was before in the liquid like state of another reality. Children are liquid and only gradually solidify into humans, this process not being realized until after birth. Accordingly, the newborn gradually make the transition from the world of the gods and Buddhas into that of human beings. Most Japanese Buddhists (like myself) believe that you can be cursed by your baby after the abortion procedure. Because of this, they perform a Mizuko Kuyo after an abortion. “Mizuko” means water child, “kuyo” means memorial service conducted in most cases by Buddhist priests.Mizuko Kuyos are ritual ceremonies of apology and remembrance for aborted fetuses, or the stillborn and miscarried.
Buddhists are strong believers in Karma, the law of cause and effect. They are often morally

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