
Brave New World Marxist Analysis

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Communist/Marxist Influence and Connections in Brave New World
“The literary term utopia denotes an illusionary place that projects the notion of a perfect society to the reader”(“Utopia”). The definition, being more of a guideline to utopian novelists, none the less a utopian novel is no new idea. Utopian literary works contain blatant influence from The Bible, with the story of Adam and Eve.Too writers past the 1850’s there was a much bolder image that was constructed for novelists too receive influence from. One that aligned with utopianism; Marxism, and later there after Communism. The novel Brave New World, and the novelist Aldous Huxley, falling into the compartment of Marxist/Communist influenced. The events that took place within the …show more content…

Huxley was not able to be drafted into the army during the time of the Great War due to having an altercation with keratitis, resulting in total blindness for 18 months(“Biography”). Huxley had written Brave New World in Italy, in the 1930’s(“Biography”). A time where the socialist turned fascist, who like Marx had just been a writer in the newspaper, began to assert power, and this man being Benito Mussolini. Who would go to bring Italy under a horrible autocracy. With these stressful living conditions, and his frustrations toward the government climaxed too his satirical critique of said government with his writing in Brave New World. After writing the novel Huxley, the then pacifist, became part of the Pledge Peace Union. He turned his sights away from novels and chose to use essays as his medium to speak his mind and subsequently reflect(“Biography”). Some of these reflections were contained within his book Brave New World Revisited; as well as the foreword added years later to the newer editions of the copy of Brave New World. Within the new foreword Huxley states, “Today I feel no wish to demonstrate that sanity is impossible...” and also, “I have been told by an eminent academic critic that I am a sad symptom of the failure of an intellectual …show more content…

A similar thing to that which Bernard had to endure, all though in different ways. John only knew that he was an outsider in the land of outsider’s. He lived in the land of outsiders, on the ‘Savage Reservation’ where those who did not accept the “utopia’s” control had all ended up. But this reservation was one of the last major participation of this practice of reserving all the natives. The high government of Brave New World had all but conquered it. This detail of Huxley’s, being a sort of paradox, in that by the proper definition of it Utopian literature is, “An elaborate description of the geographic structures of the imaginary landscape by the native guides that familiarize the narrator to the ways through the region. He is an outsider to the utopian society, and harbors extensive skepticism regarding modern political, social, economic, or ethical problems” (“Utopia”). That fits John’s situation and the details around it to a tee, but this detail is both agreeable and in conflict to something that Marx had said. He did not want his form of socialism to be a utopia, because he realized that that is an unrealistic goal. Also he laid out groundwork that Lenin would then go and strive for and make the entire world communist, “A fight that each time, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the

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