
Branding And Marketing Of Mdl For The Twin Cities Market Essay

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Branding and Marketing of MDL for the Twin Cities Market Although they may seem one in the same, we want to explain and differentiate the terms Branding and Marketing. Although they are closely related and should actively complement each other for a successful business strategy, they should have separate and individualized goals and budgets. Branding – a long-term process by which we will create and manufacture the presence of MDL through consistent visibility, creating simple, yet powerful, to the point messages which boost the awareness of MDL, along the lines of “Have You Been To?” Branding is built by presenting repetitive and cohesive messages, increasing the familiarity of the name, its purpose and vision to build a reputation and ultimately an experience. Brand isn’t traceable, but is the tool that makes the marketing successful. Marketing – is an immediate action, which puts consumers in the midst of the daily, monthly, seasonal, and special event specifics and ongoings at MDL. BRANDING – increasing awareness of MDL
Thus far, our branding campaign has been limited primarily to the following:
1. Six billboards on Northbound 35
2. Face to face
3. MDL brochure displays we have instituted with ski, bike, archery, and disc golf shops throughout the metro area, further motivated by trade incentives for employees of the above mentioned businesses. Secondary elements in our branding campaign:
1. We have laid the groundwork in developing relationships with major

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