
Branch Rickey Research Paper

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Branch Rickey a pioneer in the sport of baseball, taking it to where no owner of any baseball club even thought to go. Rickey was the first baseball executive to successfully, or even try to sign a black man to a major league contract. In 1946, Rickey signed on Jackie Roosevelt Robinson from the Kansas City Monarchs, a negro league team, to the Brooklyn Dodgers’ Triple A baseball team, smashing the racial barrier present in baseball for the last five decades. Rickey is a significant figure in American history because he is the first person to integrate a Major League Baseball roster.

Branch Rickey began as a catcher in major league baseball, but only for two seasons. After his short major league career, Rickey coached college baseball, …show more content…

(Murray 2) He called himself a "respectable" man, however it was demonstrated that he would twist the rules help his organization. Rickey asserts his inspiration to integrate baseball originates from 1904 when he coached baseball for Ohio Wesleyan University. Charlie Thomas, a black first baseman for the team, was compelled to sleep over a bunk in Rickey's room at the room as though he were a servant, because of the fact that the inn did not permit blacks. Amidst the night Rickey woke up to hear Charlie crying and rubbing his skin trying to be white. (Lamb 3) Though a lot of his reason was to win ball games, yet there was more in that keeping in mind the end goal to incorporate baseball around then, with as much arranging as he did, a more noteworthy inspiration likewise should exist. To endure the hate that he did experience in the wake of reporting the signing of Jackie Robinson he needed to have a more sympathetic thinactivitking, similar to the Charlie Thomas occurrence, to need to coordinate America's

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