
Bosnia And Herzegovina Research Paper

Better Essays

Baylor Pyles, Austin Scarberry
Mr. Wentz
Period 8th
May 5th, 2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina is located upon the Balkan Peninsula within Southern Europe. Sarajevo is the capital city and also holds the title for the largest city within Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the time zone known as “ancient” or during the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C. the native name of the land was Illyricum. This piece of land was shuffled through many rulers such as the Roman Province, Goths, Byzantine Empire, Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Bosnia and Herzegovina has been involved with one of the Yugoslavian wars known as the Bosnian War. This civil war was fought between the country’s Serbs, and Bosnian Muslims. During the time of October 1991 supreme rule was placed upon …show more content…

It holds art from many ages ago. A cave known as Badanj holds cave engravings from 14500 to 12000 B.C. The Paleolithic within Bosnia is the oldest monument within Southern Europe. During the 16th century, Ottoman art was introduced due to the complete rule over Bosnia by the Ottoman Empire. Many years later on after much destruction from the Bosnian war, rebuilding began to occur in an artistic way. The Avaz Twist Tower was constructed and finalized in 2008; the name intends it is a twisting tower. Its view is definitely its own style of art within …show more content…

Only certain specialties were available too at the time leaving many unattended. Pharmacies had eligible drugs but there were many private pharmacies which offered to bolster patients but there was a lack hospital pharmacists making it difficult all around. HIV amongst the population of Bosnia is under 1% and is not likely to increase anywhere near or above 5% the population. Women in Bosnia come for abortions and that requires a certain degree of healthcare. Women also gained many rights after the Bosnian war and started to fight in the wars. Women were brought out of homes to share the job with men. They did not have to clean, cook, and watch their children at all times. Abortion is legal which is a high right for women. This can only occur during the first ten weeks of

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