
Bosnia And Herzegovina Research Paper

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Bosnia and Herzegovina and its cultural differences

The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina have had a tremendous history. The diversity of its people is not unlike that of the United States. In the United States there are many different cultures such as Hispanics, Germans, Italians, Jewish, Irish, and many more. These are the groups currently practicing in Bosnia: Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats, Orthodox Catholics, and some smaller groups. A majority of the Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Croats are Muslim. There are three different churches in the country from the early twelve hundreds. Islam made its mark on the culture around 1463 when the Ottoman Turks overran the country. Most of the heritage in this country is based on a Slavic history …show more content…

Missions such as key leader engagements, as well as enlisting the help of the locals, to rebuild the country will benefit from understanding the people of this country. Units who understand what key infrastructures need repair and that are most important to the local people can make leaps and bounds to securing the trust of the locals. Knowing and accomplishing this will help to get the locals to participate in the elections and international aid organization programs for the betterment of their country. Life in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a very tight knit and family oriented community. Generations of families live together in the same home. Grandparents are usually being taken care of by their children. The grandparents in turn also take care of the grandchildren so both of the parents can work. Amazingly enough this happens whether you are in the large metropolitan areas or in the more rural villages. Whether the parents are working in the fields farming, or in a factory, or in an office, both parents have jobs. Rebuilding helps bring about the jobs needed for the increasing the economy, lives of the people, and the

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