
Book Analysis: Heat By Mike Lupica

Decent Essays

This summer I read an outstanding book called Heat by MIke Lupica. This book includes a lot of baseball and when you start this book you won’t stop reading it!If you like baseball this book is definitely for you, I was able to connect with the character and his love for the sport. The characters in this book are Michael, the main character who loves baseball and is the best pitcher in his league. Carlos, Michael’s brother who will do anything to keep them together. Mr.Gibbs, an official person who wants to know the truth about Michael and Carlos’ father,but also wants to help them. Manny, Michael’s best friend who wants to help as much as he can, but wants to make it to the Little League World Series. Another character is Mrs.C, Mrs.C tried …show more content…

Maria was already across home plate when the Robin’s shortstop racing for the ball picked it up bare hand and threw it so wildly across the diamond trying to get bobby at first.”
This passage is important because Michael is ineligible to play because he doesn’t have a birth certificate so he coaches 3rd base. That reflects the theme because he finds a way to stick with baseball, even though he is not allowed to play. It might not seem like it, but this play won the game. The bottom of the lineup was up and everyone thought they would lose the game. The head coach told Bobby to just hit, but Michael gave him a different sign, he told him to bunt down the third base line. Everybody thought the game was over and the chances of going to Williamsport ( Little League World Series) was over. Bobby missed the first two times. Cory Allen, the pitcher thought he couldn’t touch the ball so he lobbed it in as soft as he could. Now instead of bunting Bobby was swinging as hard as he could. The ball didn’t even get past the infield, but he still had a chance. Bobby was running faster than he ever has when the shortstop threw the ball it was wild and it went over the first basebmen, which ment Bobby was

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