
Bonnie And Clyde Essay

Decent Essays

The Glamorous life of Bonnie and Clyde
The Bonnie and Clyde film does promote the life of an armed robber or law breaker in many ways, through the costumes, makeup, props, music and the film production. making bonnie and Clyde seem like Robin Hood during the great depression in the film. committing violent crime sprees across the country. Going after banks that are taking away the homes of many that can’t afford it.
The makeup and costumes of the actors can play a role in the idea of glamorizing criminals. Both Bonnie and Clyde are young good-looking people that also happen to be in love with each other. There’s a certain swagger that both characters have that can be admired by many. Bonnies make up and red lipstick along with her perfect straight blonde hair makes her even more attractive to the audience. Her makeup makes her appear very confident with herself. Bonnie and Clyde’s costume was very professional in the beginning of the film. Bonnie looked like a working wife while Clyde appeared as a smart man with his tight …show more content…

The camera movement was cleverly done. The film was fast paced with the change of first person to third person view during the police chases and shoot outs. This makes the film very exciting and enjoyable. Bonnie and Clyde were living glamorous criminal life that is unattainable to make many.
Instead of the film appearing as a serious or very mysterious, it was done with dramatic humor. The audience sees the life of Bonnie and Clyde as a comedy and can interpret the serious crimes and killing as a joke or take it light hearted even though it is just film. Although the way the film is produced is promoting criminal activities as a fun easy life, it does also give a message of cause and effect. If a person does choose to get involved in any criminal lifestyle there is a serious consequence in it, which can include

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