
Bodybuilding Community

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This is a collective effervescence because he captured the interest of the masses during the 19th century (Ibid). In current times, he is a celestial figure who belongs to an otherworldly utopia, in comparison to the 19th century (p.40). Also, according to MuscleMag, Arnold Schwarzenegger associated training with a mystical experience (2001, n.p). Some say is he is the modem of the bodybuilding messiah (Ibid). As McGuire discusses cultic diversity, bodybuilders seek help from the patron of bodybuilding to access divine power to gain a muscular body. These actions include their bodies and bodily sensations, as well as gestures to induce spiritual meaning and experiences (McGuire, p.56). Briefly, bodybuilders believe in this element. Thus, bodybuilding certainly can be a religion in strange place due to the consumer society.
IV. Community:
The community is the organization inside the religion that assists members to observe the beliefs. Over the years, public media enabled …show more content…

Thus, bodybuilders are capable of belonging and believing within the bodybuilding community. Accordingly, the engagement of the community in competitions gives a meaningful collective communication among bodybuilders. Also, the bodybuilding community is an intentional religious community. It is more voluntarist, because joining and leaving is allowed with great ease. For instance, bodybuilding associations have no restrictions or punishments for departing. Furthermore, the order of life is based on the agreement of the members, rather than the accepted convention, similar to “L’Arche, a Roman-Catholic based residential community movement founded in 1964 by Jean Vanier to create physical and spiritual fellowships that welcome people with mental disabilities” (“Religious Communities”,1999). There is no usage of orthodox conventions. Also, the bodybuilding community engagement resulted in the sacred, to meet the specific needs of the

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