
Bodybuilder Research Paper

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24 Best Bodybuilders to Follow on Facebook
If you look around, you will find fitness enthusiasts everywhere. People are becoming more and more obsessed about getting healthy and having a perfect body. Some of them take it a step further and become bodybuilders. Bodybuilders, in general, go to extremes to get in the shape they fancy. Gyms and sports are their favourites. They practice rigorous exercise along with a strict diet plan.
Bodybuilding needs long term commitment and full dedication. Enlarging the muscles of one’s body while eradicating the fat demands hard work. Getting a grip over a healthy lifestyle needs hard work. Many bodybuilders have lived till this date and many are under transformation.
Below is a list of 24 best and the finest bodybuilders to …show more content…

Nikki Fuller: Nikki Fuller was an American bodybuilder, born in 1986. Nikki Fuller was always very strong and sturdy. Even as a child, her inclination towards pumping up her body was clear. Later at school, she indulged in sports. Soon enough, she started earning coveted title, which was the beginning of her journey.
9. Suhas Khamkar: Suhas Khamkar comes from a wrestling background. All his relatives were some way of the other related to bodybuilding. He has won sought-after titles like Mr India and Mr Maharashtra in India.
10. Johnnie O. Jackson: This 5’8’’ tall fitness enthusiast is definitely worth all his followers. People go gaga over his physique and chiselled body. He attributed his fitness to his previous involvement in the armed forces.
11. Flex Wheeler: People call him the “Sultan of Symmetry”. Flex Wheeler has dedicated all his life to bodybuilding. He has aced this area and is now an expert. HE has a huge fan following on Facebook and for valid reasons.
12. Yanexi Oriquen: This lady wrestler is no less than a beast. She was born in 1966 in Venezuela. Ever since Yanexi has dominated the female bodybuilder world for many years. She is very famous on Facebook and other social media

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