
Body Outlaws

Decent Essays

Ophira Edut is the editor of Body Outlaws: Young Women Writing About Body Image and Identity , and Rebecca Walker created the foreword. Ophira Edut has spent almost a decade creating media projects for young adult women, and is the founding publisher of HUES ( Hear Us Emerging Sisters) which is a intersectional magazine geared toward women of different walks of life. She is also a contributor to Ms magazine which is a popular feminist magazine. Her work has been published in major magazines such as, Glamour, Sassy, Vibe, and Enertainment Weekly. This novel is a composition of personal essays of women from different social groups, ethnicities, race, and sexuality aabout their body image concerns and personal experiences. The essays cover a wide range of topics such as, The butt: its politics, its profanity , its power , by Erin J. Aubry , which is about the black women not being able to fit in and how that their bodies have become (mainly their backsides) the obsession of society and a means to shame them. Sizing myself up: tales of a plus-size model by Kate Dillon, which is about how being a plus size model is a source of empowerment for the author, and she views it as a means to change the perspective of society from “youre pretty for a big girl” to …show more content…

This source is going to be used specifically to show how body image varies from each individual to the next due to other factors such as those mentioned above. When discussing body image a one size fits all definition and experienced is assigned , but this source will show that no two experiences are the same. The examples in this novel will also be used to show that these differences need to be taken in consideration when starting to find out what method works to help an individual create a more positive body

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