
Impact Of Jim Crow Laws On African Americans

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Even after the hurdle of being enslaved was passed, there were many more and difficult hurdles ahead. For example, the black codes were an earlier major hurdle. The codes prevented African Americans from owning weapons, votes, and land. While the Black Codes were quickly abolish; a group emerged called the Ku Klux Klan which aimed to bring down African Americans to be seen as less than then human. However, the Jim Crow laws caused separation, and that separation led to African Americans having unequal opportunities. These laws were claimed to be constitutional, because they didn't deprive any person of life, liberty, or property; or trying to include slavery. From the Black codes to Jim Crow laws, African Americans had, and have many hurdles to overcome.

In order to limit the voting rights of African Americans, there were poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses were created. The poll taxes was an annual taxes, for those who wanted to vote. …show more content…

The sharecropping system kept freed slaves to the place they were confined to. Since they had no place to go this system seem to work however it kept freed men and women tied to the land. Soon however there were places Africans could go. This led to migrations, and some were referred as Exodusters. As it was a reference to the Biblical book of Exodus and the travel to the dry landscape of the Great Plains. One big migration was the great migration. Where many African American traveled into the cities of the North and Midwest. Although they traveled out of the south; their troubles also followed. Once in towns and cities in the north, African Americans still had discrimination. From real estate agents refusing to allow them to buy houses, to being the first to be fired when business slows. These challenges of backbreaking labor were the shackles of slaves. While the discrimination and hatred were the freedman new

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