
Biography of Nathaniel Hawthorne

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When a child is born, his family is there to welcome him into the world. Whether he knows it or not, this family will eventually mold his character, views, and faith. Although all parents try their best to successfully raise their children, even the most perfect of families cannot hide their deep, dark secrets forever. Raised as a Puritan, Nathaniel Hawthorne grew up with a devout family intensely immersed in religion. As he matured, Hawthorne discovered that his seemingly pious family was disturbingly flawed, a discovery that would radically change his life. In his short story “Young Goodman Brown,” Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Puritan family secrets aid in forming symbols of faith and evil and developing the inner complexities of his …show more content…

These actions mimic those of Hawthorne’s ancestors, John and William. Both sets of ancestors were prejudiced enough to attack innocent people because of their religion, shocking and traumatizing their descendants, Brown and Hawthorne. Additionally, Hawthorne’s portrayal of characters in the story stems from his pessimism. Along his path into the forest, Brown crosses paths with his priest. Upon seeing him, he is shocked to see that he is on his way to the devil’s meeting. Have all of the priest’s sermons about purity and resisting the devil been a lie? How could Brown have listened to this impure pastor each week? Was he affiliated with the devil all along? While he would have blindly followed his priest before their encounter, Brown now doubted his own judgment of the priest’s character. Later, Brown finds his childhood religion teacher, Goody Cloyse, and asks why she is in the forest so late at night. When he learns that she is also attending the meeting, he is shocked and says, “That old woman taught me my catechism” (Hawthorne 3). Even though Brown trusted and idolized Cloyse as a teacher, she was not as pure as she seemed. Through these characters, Hawthorne shows that, no matter how perfect a person may appear, even the most idolized members of society are tarnished by flaws. Throughout “Young Goodman

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