
Bilingualism Vs Bilingual Education

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According to Maria Sanchez Diez, a reporter for the website Quartz, by the year 2050 the US will be the largest Spanish speaking country in the world, if the rate at which Latinos are coming in and staying stays consistent. As the U.S grows with spanish speakers and latinos, American english speakers become more defensive against the spanish speakers. English speakers try to stop people speaking their own language in school settings, and threaten to harm non natives. The idea of bilingualism goes beyond just speaking two languages, it ties to a person’s identity and their culture. Both english speakers and spanish speakers want to keep who they are, they both fear each other, anxiety rests between both, both have troubles but American …show more content…

Rodriguez on the other hand talks about his own life in his early years where he had to learn english with his family. Rodriguez goes more into identity, and how he hopes to gain his “public” identity(for him it was english) while retaining private identity(spanish). Rodriguez 's idea of bilingualism is having an identity in a public language and comfort with those who speak it. For him to obtain comfort with public identity and those who speak it he loses some intimacy with his family “gone was the desperate, urgent, intense feeling of being at home; rare was the experience of feeling myself individualized by family intimates. We remained a loving family, but one greatly changed. No longer so close; no longer bound tight by a pleasing and troubling knowledge of our public separates” (Rodriguez 24) Although Rodriguez lost his anxiety with speaking english in front of others, but in exchange he lost some affection with his family. Rodriguez thinks of bilingualism essentially as comfort with the public, finding that public identity; however, sometimes you may have to give something up or a part of something to gain public identity Both have excellent ideas on what bilingualism means, as well as different views and experiences that differentiate their opinions. My stance is similar to Rodriguez since, in freshman year of high school I took spanish. The teacher wasn’t the disliked by many other students for the reason that she would

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