
Better The Upper Class

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Currently politics have always focused on how to better the upper class instead of the lower class. The upper class is the property-owning class, those who live from earnings made from the ownership, control, and exploitation of property such as land, capital, large businesses, or share holdings. According to the Boundless, “Wealthy, well-educated Americans are more likely to vote and to donate money to politicians than lower class individuals” ( In other words, rich people are more likely to vote rather than poor people. Wealthy people would vote for a politician that has to do more with bettering him or herself, which is usually the Republican Party. The Democratic Party usually makes it seem as they are focused …show more content…

The parties focus on current groups of people to get what they want. For instance, Republicans go to religious people and talk about abortion. It is seen as ending the life of a child before it is even born. Abortions have a big impact throughout the United States for women. Every type of ethnicity is involved. When it comes to religion they are against it. Abortion is an issue upon the lower class. A lot of young women happen to get pregnant at a young age, and then decide that they don’t want the child. According to on the issues, Donald Trump “believes abortion should be banned at some point in pregnancy, with exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother”( In other words, abortions should be banned and only allowed if they got pregnant because of being raped, has to do with something incest, or the mother can die because of the birth. Their behavior towards this act is wrong. Abortions should be decided upon the person giving birth. It should be allowed in every state as Planned Parenthood.
Politics have always focused on how to better the upper class instead of the lower class. There are many black and white people now in the United States with the same equal rights. In the 1940’s white people didn’t acknowledge the Negros. Knowing that the population of the states out numbered them. Their goal was to allow black people to vote only if they voted for Republicans. They

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