
Bernie Sanders Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

The 2016 Presidential Campaign candidate, Bernie Sanders, believes in creating a better America. In proving to the American people, rich and poor, how great the country can be if all people vote for who is trusted best as future President of the United States. The political figures in government care about money and wealth, not the people. Bernard Sanders would be the best choice for President for the main reason that he is concerned about the issues in America that create inequality for the people. The issues addressed by this candidate will create social and economic equality. Since 1981, as Mayor of Burlington, Vermont, and now as a presidential candidate, Sanders holds true to unite the nation as one. Every person in a free country has …show more content…

John Nicholas interviewed Bernie Sanders for the Nation, a journal on politics, about his views on a few issues being addressed by the candidates (12-6). During the civil-rights movement, Sanders was a supporter of Martin Luther King Jr’s vision. A non-white person has the right to freedom, like any other person. To this present day, inequality and discrimination are a real issue. Police brutality against African-Americans is not new in this country. However, his main concern is that people know about inequality toward blacks, but does not know that the unemployment rate for the African-American youth is at fifty percent. (Nicholas 14) A percentage that high on unemployment rate is an economic problem for the country. Racism continues to exist in America. Racial equality is a vital issue to …show more content…

The people have come to have faith in his views on American politics. He stands strong without the millions of dollars all the other wealthy candidates have. Bernie Sanders has many of America’s support that volunteer to help his views be known in 47 states when he has no staff members to pay for. Sanders already impacted many people who believe this revolution will change America for the better of all people. The greatest weapon in America is not wealth and power. The greatest weapon is the vote by the people. (“The Gospel” 34) Time magazine shows how much popularity and support Sanders has received (“The Gospel” 34). A politician who is not afraid to stand up for what he or she trusts will make this nation grow for the future. Bernie Sanders shows this nation that if freedom and equality is given regardless of what color skin you are, where you come from, or how much money and power you have, will make a better

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