
Beowulf Determination Quotes

Decent Essays

Beowulf is a Hero Beowulf is a hero because of his actions in the novel. Heroic traits includes determination, physical strength, courage, loyalty, and leadership, which Beowulf demonstrated throughout the story. A quote from Beowulf shows an example of his determination, “…Fought with fate against him, with glory/ Denied him. He knew it, but he raised his sword/ And struck at the dragon’s scaly hide,” (Beowulf-Translator). Beowulf realized that there was a chance he would not win the battle, however his determination did not stop him from trying. Another quote from Beowulf shows his courage, “Alone shall fight for me, struggle for life/ Against the monster,” (Beowulf- Translator). Beowulf fought against Grendel without any weapons, just his …show more content…

The first trait, determination, is prevalent throughout the whole story. Each time Beowulf would go into Battle, he would be determined to win for his people because he was fighting for them. The next trait, physical strength, comes up in all of the battles. For example, when Beowulf was fighting Grendel’s mother he picked out the sword that no one else could pick up because it was heavy. Another example of Beowulf’s strength happened when he defeated Grendel and ripped off his arm. Another trait is courage, which Beowulf had before he faced every battle. In the last battle, Beowulf was not as strong anymore and he was fifty years older, however that did not stop him from fighting. It was very brave of him to fight in his condition. The next trait that Beowulf showed was loyalty. Beowulf was loyal numerous times for different things. When he fought he was loyal to helping the people of Geats, and he was loyal to the people he fought, especially Grendel. When Beowulf fought with just his hands against Grendel it came across as loyalty. Beowulf fought against Grendel the only way Grendel could fight. Even though weapons cannot hurt Grendel, Beowulf could have walked away from the fight, but he stayed loyal to fighting on the same terms as Grendel. The last trait, leadership, was prevalent throughout the story as well. Beowulf led his soldiers through each battle and …show more content…

There was an attacker at supermarket taking hostages who “claimed allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group,” (news). The attacker took three hostages, one including a female who a police officer switched places with, “The French policeman who swapped himself for a hostage in Friday's attack has died of his wounds,” (news). The police officer died a hero. He was very brave to switch places with the female not knowing what could have happened to him. He also showed leadership by putting himself out there to protect the women. Another heroic trait not mentioned before is selflessness. This police office showed his selflessness by putting the woman first. The heroic act that he did had no benefit to himself; he was just trying to save a

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