
Being on Time in the Military Essay

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Discipline is being considered as a primary requisite in each military academy in the world. Especially, during any military training discipline is being required. So, show how well disciplined soldier you are in front of your senior military officials you should be punctual. Punctuality plays a vital role in making any cadet a full fledged military official. Military training is considered as one of the toughest assignment to crack. The road of performing all the drills and exercises will not be so easy for you. So, as to make you feel comfortable and perform all your drills easily various military trainers and sergeants are available during the whole process to guide you through. The transformation of leading a disciplinary military …show more content…

At the same time, being on time may influence substantially interpersonal relations and it is a perfect characteristic of an individual. In this respect it should be said that if a person is late, it is a bit irritating, but if he/she is late regularly, than it is quite a disturbing fact. On the one hand, it proves that this person do not really respect those people who are waiting for him/her. On the other hand, it proves that this person is absolutely irresponsible because being late means that the person is unable to do his/her duties well. In contrast, being on time proves that the person is highly responsible and is ready to fulfill his/her duty without delay. Such characteristics of an individual are particularly important in army. At any rate, I, in person, know that I cannot be late because I cannot be late for half an hour or even less late and just excuse myself and continue my work. In fact, I am conscious of the fact that even a minute of delay will lead to the failure of the entire operation that, in the military is absolutely unacceptable. It seems to be obvious that the consequences of the lack of punctuality may lead to disastrous effects in my work. But I can definitely say that I will lose my job and this will be not the worst outcome of my lack of punctuality, because in the army the schedule is everything. However, even in the civilian aviation world, being on time is not

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