
Before The Late 19th Century US Foreign Policy Dbq

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Take Home DBQ: Unit 6 Before the late 19th century the U.S Foreign Policy consisted of neutrality set by George Washington, the Monroe Doctrine set to stop colonization,and Manifest Destiny a idea that cause the expansion westward to spread American ideal. The second industrial revolution during the late 19th century caused for a want in expenditure in markets this led President Mckinley annexing Hawaii, but expansion did not fully set its course until Theodore Roosevelt who took office after the assassination of Mckinley, Theodore Roosevelt pursued an expansionist foreign policy through his “Big Stick Policy”. The late 19th and early 20th century was a continuation of previous expansionism through efforts by the U.S to justify expansion and imperialism the U.S will continue to establish its dominance over other countries, it was a departure in the sense of the magnitude in which the U.S dramatically expanded its role as a Empire over countries. The U.S continued to expand …show more content…

Aspects like the idea manifest destiny made it justifiable expand westward that same ideology but because the frontier is closed stated by Frederick Turner, the U.S in will use that same reason to expand itself overseas. The imperialism debate did not fully erupt until the end of the Spanish American war when the United States acquired Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines .One side of the debate before the signing of the Treaty of Paris which made it so the U.S acquired the territories argued by the Anti-Imperialist League (D) opposed

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