
August Rush Short Stories

Decent Essays

“You noticed the ruins,” he says. I sit up, interested. He takes my hand, and we both look at the ring. Everyone’s asleep around us, so we walk over to the hallway. I listen to the quiet, the breathing of those asleep, and the small pops coming off the torches. “Hell of a thing to turn 15, right?” he asks, a smirk on his face. I nod. “Ari, about the runes-” “I saw my Father today,” I say in one jumbled mess, my heart pounding. He looks at Corus. “I know. I made Corus tell me when I woke up and you were gone. I followed you. Sorry, I didn’t want to tell you, you know, that I saw my birthday present. Almost jumped on that man who fixed your sword, but you didn’t seem too uncomfortable, so I waited,” he says. “If it hadn’t been for the soldiers I would have been there, especially when you just handed your sword over to him.” …show more content…

Hanau shakes his head. “I lost you in the market,” he says. “That same merchant was trying to sell me something as I passed by. When I looked up, all I saw was smoke. People panicked though it was more fires.” I tell him about what happened, and I can see he’s mad that I went for the soldier. He sits near the fire, and I join him. “I won’t lecture you, but Ari, we can’t fight them. The man in black’s right, we can’t fight with these swords if we don’t have training. Promise me you won’t try anything like that again. I’ll look into training, but it’ll be hard. We don’t have money, and I don’t know who we can trust,” he says. “We can’t be kids anymore. It’s too dangerous.” I nod, we need training if we can ever learn to use these swords. “By the way, Perta’s servant never came. Gota lied. She stole those pastries from that aunt who turned them away,” Hanau

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