
Atticus Courage Quotes

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"to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand" (112). In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird Atticus shows Jem what courage is in many ways. Referring to the quote, we see that Atticus is telling Jem that courage is not always a man with a gun in his hand. Courage is defined in this book as doing what is right. Even if it means you are on the losing side. This is defined by Atticus as he takes the Tom Robinson case knowing it will separate himself and his family from the community. He also shows courage by again taking the case and knowing he will lose that case. Even though Atticus faced the entire towns disbelief and fury for defending Tom with all his being, he made sure he got a fair …show more content…

That must have been nerve racking waiting for an angry mob to come looking for something you are protecting, but not as courageous as what happened after the mob did show. Jem develops in his thoughts over courage throughout the book. As the book develops, so does Jem's ideal of courage. Jem, in the beginning, he believes courage is touching the Radley house. Then we see it change to seeing Atticus face a mad dog. Next we read about Jem's courage while facing Mrs. Dubose's problems and learning to deal and cooperate with her. One of his most notable courage act is the jail scene. In this scene, Jem and Scout show up at the jail to defend their father who is surrounded by an angry mob. Jim deliberately disobeys his father's command to leave and he stays with him showing he will not leave his father. Another person who acts courageously at the jail is Scout. Scout is unknowingly brave in many ways. She is so innocent that she does not let all the hatred and prejudice swirling around her in a vortex affect her. Also in the jail scene, Scout unknowingly displays courage as she stands up to the mob in front of the jail. She uses

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