
Assisted Suicide Research Paper

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Have you ever heard a grown man cry; a cry so loud that you can hear and feel the pain within his voice? No, well it happens daily, here in the United States. There are thousands of people that are going through so much suffering that pain killers are like putting a band aid of a bullet wound. As hours pass the wound is getting bigger and the band aids are helping less and less. Most of these people just want a release, but even professionals cannot grant that request. Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is a controversial topic which is debated on through out the world. (PAS) is a process where a doctor or nurse gives a lethal injection of medicine to a patient in need. But since this procedure is illegal, doctors are not allowed to …show more content…

Conversely, there are many barriers in making decisions about death among family members, including culture, education, knowledge of the health care system, and the delegating of all decisions entirely to the family (Haley). A family member of a patient stated that all she wanted was “another sane adult’ who could “talk in terms…that removed the taboo from the processes by giving a real clear picture of possible approaches without advocating [PAS]” (Spigel). It is obvious that no relative would want to let a member of the family pass away without doing what ever is possible, so that the patient has every fighting chance to pull through. So the burden ways equally on the family, if not, more, because when it comes to assisted suicide grieving will last longer than pain every time. Once the procedure has taken place, the family members are the ones who have to take care of the patient after they are diseased. Along with pain and suffering, money is another aspect that needs to be taken into consideration when the discussion of Physician Assisted Suicide comes up, in an unfortunate conversation. Every year more and more people are diagnosed with terminal illnesses, and the financial toll of the medical bills that are increasing rapidly and the burden falls mainly on the loved ones of the patient. These high medical costs must be borne by the patient, the patient’s family, or the society to prolong life.

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