
Asperger Syndrome In Look Me In The Eye

Decent Essays

Asperger syndrome is one of many subtypes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Of the subtypes, this syndrome is one of the higher functioning conditions. Thus, these individuals have a hard time socializing, present restricted interests, repeat behaviors constantly, and do not understand non-verbal communication. Also, the individuals with this condition can present a delay in motor development, which can lead to clumsiness or uncoordinated movements (Autism Speaks, 2013). Furthermore, this condition can be very difficult for the person as well as others, such as family and friends. In the book, Look Me in the Eye, John Robison explored his experiences with Asperger syndrome. He explained his life, what he went through, and the obstacles that came with his condition.
At the start of the book, Robison informed his reads about his experiences with Asperger syndrome as a child. Thus, Robison stated that he would give nicknames to individuals he seen repeatedly. For example, he called his little brother “Snort.” He did this because it was difficult for him to remember names. Furthermore, he not only gave nicknames to people, but also liked to sort factors by categories. In situations …show more content…

He believed that Little Bear did not understand his condition and that his new wife did. Unlike Little Bear and his parents, Martha was able to change her mood to match Robison’s; which he liked a lot. Furthermore, not only did Martha help him with his condition, but he did himself. Robison decided that it was only right to guide himself with Asperger syndrome. Thus, as Robison learned more about himself through experiences, he failed as well as succeeded. However, this helped him understand his strengths and weaknesses. Although he failed at tasks that others succeeded on, Robison began to understand that he was different in a unique way. This belief allowed him to be more confident and better succeed in

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