
Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) : Man With Robots Or Man Against Robots

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Artificial Intelligence (AI): Man with Robots or man against Robots We are living in society where technology is ubiquitous. The advancement in the field of technology is fascinating for most of us. We are heavily dependent on machines to carry out simple tasks in our life. The application of AI is seen everywhere from security cameras to developing a robot to do normal household work. Big technology giants, Amazon and Google have developed AI powered devices like Amazon Echo and Google home, to make our life easier, comfortable and more convenient. Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role in the field of Robotics. It is believed that progress in AI will lead to robots that can do nearly everything that humans can do in a more efficient way. There will be time when these machines will outperform humans if not controlled. Humans have become so dependent on these machines that it has started affecting lives in many ways, people have become lazy, machines are taking over jobs from their human counterparts and these machines can pose serious threats to human race in the near future. “By far the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it” (Bostrom & Ćirković, 2008) Robots are becoming an integral part of our daily life. Robots have been used in homes to take care of elderly people, kids and even pets. But the question that arises in our minds is, can we really trust robots? After all its just a machine that has been programmed to function the way it does. According to an article, robots will never have emotions like human beings ("Robots will NEVER have feelings, experts claim", 2017). Humans bond over emotions and feelings they share with each other and it is believed that robots can never reciprocate feelings the same way we humans do. AI Robots can destroy human species Human beings have a misconception that the machines created by them are obligated to follow their instructions. Let us not forget that these machines are more powerful and have already surpassed the intelligence level of humans. They can develop their own language which is difficult for humans to comprehend. Facebook’s experiment with two chatbots to negotiate with each turned

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