
Article Review : When Sex Goes School

Better Essays

David Miller
Pacific University
August 12, 2015
Book Review: When Sex Goes to School

In a busy and complicated landscape of sexuality and gender, it is generally recognized that children need instruction in how to behave. Unfortunately, the way that adults wish young people to be introduced to sexuality is governed by diverse worldviews and values, and the subject is seen as so important that this disparity leaves little room for neutrality, much less reasoned compromise. In many cases, the education of children in sexuality is regarded on all sides as a life-and-death issue, involving fundamental assumptions about the role of public and private institutions and even the very stability of society, to say nothing of the potential risks to individuals. As When Sex Goes to School puts it, there is very little within the domain of American politics and the infamous “culture wars” that is not touched by or based in the realm of sexuality and gender, and sex education is an arena where each side seeks to have its values publicly established for the benefit of students. Author Kristin Luker identifies two broadly defined (and diametrically opposed) camps in modern America, which she refers to as sexual liberals and sexual conservatives. Both camps are represented by strong views about sexuality in general and children 's sexuality in particular. Their beliefs are rooted in American history: the conservatives draw ideological points both from interpretations of

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