
Article Review On Using Literature Essay

Decent Essays

Mathematics Article Review Articles are designed to teach the audience a key value or important element. However, most articles are written in a technical fashion and full of jargon. Readers become intimidated by large passages that appear bland or mechanical. Therefore, in choosing an article to review I wanted an article that captured my attention and one that I could learn from. In the NCTM online database, I discovered a brilliant article from October 2015. The article, Practıcal Problems: Using Literature to Teach Statistics written by Mairéad Hourigan and Aisling Leavy, had a clear and developmentally appropriate approach to integrating literature and mathematics. Upon reading the abstract I became hooked. The abstract of any article or piece of literature serves as the attention getter. I love literature and to learn more about how I can use it in mathematics is something that I want to learn. I believe that every subject is connected and should be presented that way. We cannot teach one without the other. Segregating the subjects and skills does more harm than good to students because it does not promote higher order thinking. Mairéad Hourigan and Aisling Leavy not only captured my attention but they kept it. In the article they described how literature and math can build understanding of probability and statistics while building on prior knowledge. I also appreciated that they presented the integration of literature into mathematics in a unique manner. The

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