
Article Analysis : It's Hard To Make It In America

Decent Essays

In the Journal called “Foreign Affairs”, with the Article called “It’s hard to make it in America: How the United States Stopped Being the Land of Opportunity” by Lane Kenworthy there are a lot of points that I strongly agree with.
There are an extreme amount of opportunity in the United States but it all truly comes down to how you were raised and also how badly you want to work for something.
To expand on how you were raised, in the article, it tells us how “88 percent of children from high-income homes grow up with married parents...... and earn higher incomes as adults” (paragraph 12). I find that paragraph extremely true because when you grow up in a home with money and stability it’s going to impact you in a good way and you will …show more content…

Furthermore, when It comes to children of poorer families trying to get a job at the age of 22, they still are going to face challenges compared to a child with money. Their parents won’t know as many connections compared to someone who works with high income people, who can help get a young adult a job.
Another huge factor in the article states that people with higher paying jobs and schooling tend to marry off and stay married. This is because they have a more stable environment and when you have a stable environment you tend to have good relationships with your peers, family and loved ones.
There are plenty of ways to fix this issue we have. I don’t find this to be fair in any way. I believe that every single child should be able to have the opportunity to better themselves and that should start with an education. It should not matter if your parents are divorced, single, or disabled. Every person deserves an opportunity to change the world. There are plenty of ways I can think of to go about changing this. As seen in the Article, I strongly agree that the first step is to give people an education. As time has gone on, there has clearly been a lot more people getting educated. I think that the root of it all should start when the child is young. They should go to preschool and learn not only education but also proper etiquette and how to be a social person. I also think that the next group of people who deserve an education are the people who are adults

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