
Aristotle's Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

Something that every good salesperson, copywriter, publicist, anyone whose livelihood rests on their ability to sell, should know. And no, nothing sells itself. If you see an ad that claims this, that's a line.

But how do you learn persuasive writing? Why, you start from the beginning of course.

The very beginning. We're talking obscure Mesopotamian Akkadian scriptures. Don't have time to read article from 23 centuries BC? Yeah maybe that's a little too early. Lets fast forward to Aristotle.

We're starting with Aristotle because he was one of the most influential philosophers on rhetoric. He wrote a three part series entitled Rhetoric that outlined how people may build a powerful argument using persuasion.

Outlined are the 3 means of persuading an audience according to …show more content…

And it is a part of a widely used persuasive writing structure called the 4 P's.

Creating ethos is what you are doing when you put testimonials on your website or share business licenses and awards. It's creating an image of yourself as an expertise in your field. Hence, people will believe you when you tell them your product will do XYZ for them.


Pathos means the emotional argument. It's thought that the best copywriting appeals to emotions. The logic behind emotional selling goes that if you sell by emotion, the thing you are selling is a want. If you sell based on logic and need people will go for the lowest cost option. People are much more likely to spend more money on something they want than something they need so selling my emotion and want allows you to sell your product even if it's not the lowest option by a long shot.

Because pathos is such a critical component of powerful copywriting I will dedicate an entire article to it and specific techniques used that elicit emotional reactions. For now, just watch this Samsung ad featuring a snail (no that's not a typo) that pulls on your emotions

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