
Argumentative Essay On Teenage Pregnancy

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The teen pregnancy rate had decreased by the maximum of about 55 percent. Most teen birth rates had also gone down about 64 percent, but yet teen pregnancies and birth rate for teenagers ages 15-19 in the U.S still remains one of the highest comparable countries. Due to parenthood, most of teen moms drop out of school. More than 50% of teen mothers never graduate to get their diploma. Sexually active teens that don’t use any type of protection has a 90 percent chance of becoming pregnant within a year, 84 percent of teen pregnancies are unplanned. Finding out that I was pregnant first hand was a bittersweet but conversely a Kodak moment as well. During the first couple of days I didn’t know whether to ball up and cry or to be happy and exhilarated, I was 17 so I didn’t know how to be happy about me being with a fetus inside of me. “I have my whole life ahead of me, this can’t be real, why me?” I constantly asked myself while looking at the positive pregnancy test. After finding out this shocking news I walked in the same room that my cousin Kiana was patiently waiting in, and quietly said it’s positive. Kiana gave me the ideal expression I kind of hoped for and needed during the time-being but shortly after, I got the news that she was also pregnant. When I first noticed my first sign of pregnancy when I started spotting, and increase of hunger, I didn’t think nothing of it but I slightly had a clue. A week goes by still going unnoticed until the morning sickness stage hit. Waking up with morning sickness was one of the stages I had an aversion to the most. I partially disliked this stage because not only was it morning sickness, but because it was morning and afternoon sickness. Another reason is because it made me feel nauseous. After the morning sickness stage, it encouraged me to get a pregnancy test.

Telling my family about the pregnancy was going to be one of the most petrifying things I’d ever had to do. I honestly know how to know to tell them or who I was going to tell first, I was nervous about what the outcome would be. Telling my child’s father was first though. Moreover, me and my family finding out the news, he had been in a juvenile detention center. When we would be on the phone I would

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