
Argumentative Essay: Is College Worth The Investment?

Decent Essays

In today’s day and time there are debates on whether college is worth the investment. One side is that college is worth it and it is necessary for future success. The other side to the debate is that college is a waste of time and money. With more disadvantages than advantages, college is not a valuable investment for one to make.
To attend college, students have to pay an excessive amount of money. In the TEDTalk “How College Loans Exploit Students for Profits” by Sajay Samuel he states “45 to 100 college goers do not finish in a timely manner due to money” (Samuel). The average price of a public college is around 10,000 dollars per semester. Add seven more semesters to that cost and that will be how much a student would owe after a four year degree. In “Chris Domes: College education a good investment” he states “ One quarter of students who graduated with a bachelor’s degree from a four-year private college or university did not have any educational debt”(Domes). This leaves three quarters of college graduates with some type of educational debt. …show more content…

Instead of attending college high school graduates can earn a badge or certificate in place of the degree. According to “Don’t Buy the Hype, College Education Is Not An Investment” the author states “Student C was a good student in high school, but instead of enrolling in college, she earns several badges and certifications in things she’s interested” (Leef). Certifications only take about a year to complete and would save time and money compared to the two to eight year college degree. The student from Leef’s article was still successful without attending college. This proves to the people that think everybody has to go college to be successful that college is not

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