
Argumentative Essay: Is College Worth It?

Decent Essays

Why College Is Worth It College is an expensive and time-consuming choice, in which energy and effort must be exerted in. David Leonhardt argues that attending college and securing a college degree is worth the debt. However, Chris Matthews argues that even with a college degree, the crippling debt does not outweigh the pros of obtaining a degree. I believe attending college and obtaining a degree is worth the effort and debt for a rewarding job. For a well-paying and/or professional job, a college degree is essential. According to Labor Department statistics by the Economic Policy Institute in Washington as stated by Leonhardt, “Americans with four-year college degrees made 98 percent more an hour on average in 2013 than with people without a degree.” A higher income is what most people expect when attaining a degree, but most jobs require …show more content…

However, it is an investment for your future. Families will go into debt and students will take out loans due to college tuition. Matthews claims that “a college graduate will on average make $1 million more than a worker with just a high school degree over the course of his lifetime.” He later exclaims that students with large debt will be unable to find a job where the degree will pay off. Debt and money is a major reason why some students cannot afford to attend a university. However, community colleges are a great alternative to finish some general education. And if families still cannot afford community college, online classes can help as well, although the process may be slower. Almost every teacher I have had from elementary to high school has mentioned that when they were 18 years old, they had a different major declared, and a different path they wanted to follow, yet ended up teaching students. I know that what I have declared now might not be what I want to do eventually. Regardless, I see the value of attending college and pursuing a degree, no matter the financial issue or the

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