
Argumentative Essay About Transgender

Decent Essays

What is Transgender? Many people have spoken about having a tough time accepting a person since the way they sexually identify themselves is different. Being identified as transgender has become a highly controversial topic around the world and part of the population does not quite understand why the people that identify themselves as transgender choose to do so. Some people do not believe in what it means to be transgender and let their opinions on the topic change the real meaning of the term. The Merriam-Webster dictionary explains the term Transgender as “relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth”. This is basically just stating that a person that …show more content…

When they reach an age where they are considered to be able to assemble reasonable decisions they can start the process of transitioning, which is the process they use to match how they feel to their appearance. It can start by changing their hair, clothing and name to using hormones and surgery. Every person’s way of changing is different, not all transgender people have the same process. Some choose not to change anything in their appearance but still ask to be spoken to as if they were the opposite sex and others change everything about themselves to the point where it isn’t even noticeable that they were once a different sex. The part that confuses the majority of the people that are not transgender or don’t quite understand what it is, is when they speak to someone they thought was a certain sex and are asked to refer to them as the opposite sex. For example, meeting someone that appears to be a man and asked to refer to him as she/her. This can be especially confusing if a family member is going through a transition. Family members tend to be the most affected by a transgender in the family, they do not know how to react or how to help because they are most likely the only transgender in the family. Being transgender is not a choice, it is a feeling and almost all people that are transgender are unlikely to be able to feel happiness or find peace in life if they are not who they feel they truly are meant to be. A few people don’t quite understand the

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