
Argument Analysis - Declaration of Independence Essay

Decent Essays

Argument Analysis - Declaration of Independence

In May of 1776 a resolution was passed at the Virginia Convention in Williamsburg that asked the thirteen American colonies to declare the United Colonies free and independent from the British crown. At the second continental congress the resolution passed and on June 11, 1776 a five-man committee led by Thomas Jefferson was established to write the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1776 the members of the second continental congress signed into existence one of the most influential documents in history.

The way that Jefferson structured The Declaration of Independence made the article extremely influential. Jefferson first starts by sharing his belief …show more content…

One reason that The Declaration of Independence was so influential was that Thomas Jefferson’s claims against the King of England were easy to understand and logical. Typical complaints include “For quartering large Bodies of Armed Troops among us;” and “For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent.” Jefferson uses plain language that everyone can understand to point out large injustices done by the king. His statements about the King are short and to the point. He does not waste any words or bore the reader with abstract writing or excess words and thoughts. He goes from one point to the next to the next in such a fashion that the reader’s concentration is never broken. His points are logical and everyone living in the colonies at that time and many people around the world probably had some idea of the incidents behind all his grievances against the king. Jefferson raps up the injustices done by the king by declaring the United Colonies to be free and independent states.

Another reason that Jefferson’s arguments are extremely persuasive is that he is a credible and respected amongst the delegates of the colonies and the citizens of the colonies. Jefferson was one of the leading intellectuals of his time. He was well known as a writer and political leader not only in the colonies, but throughout the world. Anything with his name on it would immediately gain respect

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