
Anxiety Disorder And Anxiety Disorders

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Adolescence is a difficult time period in a young person’s transition into their later stage of both physical and mental development. Mood disorders are often overlooked during this time for the brain becoming more developed; however among children, anxiety disorders seem to be the most common disorders to be experienced (Nelson; Israel, pg 112). Barlow (2002) defines anxiety as a future-oriented emotion that is characterized by the inability to be in control and predict future events that can be potentially dangerous to the individual. Anxiety shares commonalities with fear, but the difference between the two being that fear is the initial response made from a present threat, where anxiety is due to a unknown future event. A common …show more content…

They assessed the children and adolescents by using a questionnaire version of the Pubertal Development Scale where it rates child development by five physical attributes of the girls; growth spurt, bodily hair, skin changes, development of breasts, and menstruation. From there they rate 4 of the 5 attributes on a 1-4 scale with 1 being not started yet, and 4 being seems complete. Next they rated the anxiety of the participants using a Multidimensional Anxiety Scale For Children, a questionnaire that assesses symptoms of anxiety over a week long report. For the procedure the participants were subjected to a face-matching task of emotions, but responses to neutral and fearful faces were recorded. The results of their study showed that amygdala responses towards neutral and fearful faces both showed an increase in amygdala activation. The right amygdala being activated was shown more in girls who were less developed during puberty invoking an anxious response. Since the amygdala is not as mature or developed, social anxiety symptoms are less consistent in children and adolescents as compared to adults (Ferri et. al, 2014). From the study conducted by Ferri et al., there was a slight statistical significance between amygdala activation to neutral and fearful faces in regards to anxiety levels. On the contrary, they did not find a significant difference. This could be due to the girls being unable to predict the

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