
Ancient Remetch Script

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A brief walk through the history of the ancient Remetch script and its decipherment. The history of hieroglyphics is dated as far back to approximately 3150 BCE and remained in use for over 3300 years for many aspect of life. During that period the script has gone through several writing styles. The first change attested during the Naqada II period was called cursive hieroglyphic (hieratic), followed by Sekh Shah (demotic), and finally Coptic. These changes came about for use as an everyday script, in which every glyphs (phonograms) was replaced by simpler symbols, as a means for faster writing.
It was ca. 600 BCE, when the hieratic script was replaced by an even simpler abbreviated writing called Sekh Shat (Demotic), the three writing …show more content…

After the death of Champollion, He made a systematic study of the French scholar’s Grammaire egytienne, which had been published posthumously in 1836, but was yet to be widely accepted. Lepsius when on to write a massive 12-volume called Monument from Egypt and Ethiopia, that stand as the earliest reliable publication documenting a large number of temples and monuments. As early as 2000, Ancient Egypt remains a comparatively young area of study, and is still haunted by a reputation for exotic mystic wisdom that existed in the pre-decipherment period and has been termed ‘Egyptosophia’ by Erik Hornung. The attention giving to the bizarre and the speculation, however, can distract attention from scholarly work. Nevertheless, there is no full dictionary of the ancient Egyptian language. Great work like the German ‘Agyptisches Worterbuch’ continues, since the first edition (1926-31) and new corpuses of text have been published. Tools such as the ‘Lexikon der Agyptogie’ (1975-92) and the ‘Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and paintings’ (Oxford, 1927-, continuously updated) are invaluable reference …show more content…

The pictorial nature of some scripts, such as Egyptian hieroglyphic, disguises the fact that writing relies on language. The earliest attempt to decipher the hieroglyphic involved an incorrect process of explaining the mystical significance of hieroglyphic rather than trying to read them. It was Abbe Jean-Barthelemy (1716-95) who in 1761 suggested that the oval cartouches in Egyptian inscriptions might contain royal names, a suggestion that was fundamental to later progress.
With the discovery of the Rosetta Stone by Pierre Francois Xavier Bouchard (1772-1873), after further inspection of the damaged artifact, Bouchard recognized that it was part of a stela inscribed with three different scripts displaying fourteen lines of incomplete hieroglyphic, fifty-three lines of Greek, and thirty-two lines in the middle section with a script know as Demotic. It was later confirmed that the inscriptions recorded the same text in three different

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