
Analyze Similarities And Differences Between The Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

Satisfactory Essays

Jessica Sham
Mr. Reynolds
Period 3

Similarities & Differences Between the Trans-Saharan and Silk Road Trade Routes
During the time period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E., trade networks were relied upon to transfer goods, ideas, and services. Both the Trans-Saharan and Silk Road trade routes depended on animals, luxury goods, and economic growth. However, the trade routes differed in animals, types of luxury goods, and success of economic growth.
Animals caused a noticeable increase in the use of trade routes. In the same way, both trade routes used animals as a link to international relations and transportation. For instance, Trans-Saharan animals opened up the chance for Berber traders to increase contact with Muslims, connecting West Africa with the rest of the Muslim believers. At the same time, the Silk Road animals allowed Southeast Asia to perfect cavalry warfare. However, each trade route had access to different animals. The …show more content…

Similarly both trade routes had access to salt. Nevertheless, the Trans-Saharan trade route also was able to obtain gold, ivory, metal ware, textiles, pepper, dates, beads, and leather. Consequently the quantity of goods led to an increase in wealth for Ghana. The Trans-Saharan trade route was able to exchange their luxury goods for pottery, glassware, and textiles from Persia, India, and China. Additionally during the 900’s the kings converted to Islam causing wealthy merchants to also convert. On the other hand, overland trade on the Silk Road produced silk, spices, and precious stones. Meanwhile sea-lanes on the Silk Road were capable of carrying bulkier items such as steel, stone, coral, and building materials. Because China was the only country that had cultivators and weavers with an outstanding knowledge of developing techniques, they were able to produce high-quality silk fabrics in classical

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