
Analysis Of When Doctors Make Mistakes By Atul Gawande

Satisfactory Essays

Dylan Madden English 444 Toolbox Paper 23 September 2017 Analysis of When Doctors Make Mistakes When it comes to doctors, they all can make mistakes. The voice behind Atual Gawande’s essay comes from his own voice as he talks the kind of mistakes most doctors intend on making when it comes to saving lives. He begins by referencing a crash victim in which he stepped into while two other doctors were busy with another victim. While putting the breathing tube into the victim, something goes wrong and he and his attending John had issues restoring the victim’s breathing until Dr’s. Ball and O’Conner step in and took over. Gawande watched as they slip into the victim a endotracheal tube into her vocal cords and “In thirty seconds, with oxygen being manually ventilated through the tube, her heart was back…” (Gawande 506). …show more content…

His voice suggests to readers that he knew that even as a doctor, they can make mistakes which lead to part two and into the plot of Gawande describing the errors other doctors have made. For example, He talked about a general surgeon and how he foolishly “left a large metal instrument in a patient’s abdomen, where it tore through the bowel and the wall of the bladder” (507). Another involved a cancer surgeon mistakenly biopsying a woman’s breast and one where a cardiac surgeon skipped “a small but key step during a heart-valve operation, thereby killing the patient” (507). The second part contained a number of incidents in which doctors and surgeons have conjured mistakes that either left patients in the hands of more exceptional doctors or

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