
Analysis Of Warriors Don T Cry

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Jim Crow was a set of unfair laws that kept African Americans and whites segregated. Jim Crow had started in 1877; The book Warriors Don't Cry is a memoir from the Battle to Integrate Little Rock’s Central High which occurred around 1941. In the event of Jim Crow whites were fighting for power and African Americans were fighting for equality. The Little Rock Nine were nine African American students who finally come to possession of integrating with whites. It was the first time any African American students went to Central High with whites, let along any school. Little Rock Nine has more power because after a long time of being segregated and enslaved, they still succeed to integrate schools with “non colored” and it impacted their Community as well as them. September 23rd, 1957 Melba and the other eight African American students enter Central High is strolling past the segregationists/mob. Melba's teachers all had different points of view on how she should be treated. There were teachers who allowed the white students to taunt and say things like “We can kick the crap out of this nigger” “Nigger... Nigger…”. There were other teachers who didn't allow the white students to move or they could just move themselves to the principal's office. Also, there were teachers who helped her when the mob …show more content…

If the Little Rock Nine wasn't integrating then the press / media would have nothing to share with the world. The media mostly ask questions like “What do you think about going to school at Central High?” and “How the students treating you there?”. When the media shared the information about the Little Rock Nine somehow the segregationists found out where Melba lived and threatened to kill her, trying to scare her from going to Central High, to keep power. The Little Rock Nine gave the media something to write about and to share Nationwide, which made others appreciate what the Little Rock Nine was going

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