
Analysis Of The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby a novel written in 1925, by Scoot Fitzgerald is a narrative of love. This novel narrates a love triangle that is motivated by the desire between Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan. Although Gatsby was killed by George Wilson, Tom Buchanan's anger, Daisy Buchanan carelessness and Jay Gatsby hopeless love play a role in his death. Daisy Buchanan's husband Tom Buchanan plays an important role in the death of Jay Gatsby. Tom's dislike for Gatsby originated before discovering about his wife's affair. Upon meeting Gatsby we can right away see that Tom does not like him this could be because Gatsby is a newcomer, unlike Tom he was not born with money. “She has a big dinner party and he won't know a soul there.” He frowned. “I wonder where in the devil he meet Daisy. By God, I may be old-fashioned in my ideas, but woman run around too much these days to suit me. They meet all kinds of crazy fish. (Fitzgerald)” Tom is opposed to the fact that Daisy and Gatsby are friends, he believes that old-money should not be mixed with new-money, therefore, Daisy should not socialize with Gatsby. As if Tom's dislike for Gatsby was not enough, finding out about Daisy's extramarital affair only turned his dislike for Gatsby into complete hatred. Tom was eager for revenge against Gatsby because of the love triangle that emerged with Daisy. Tom was jealous of the affair between wife and Gatsby, therefore, executed a perfect plan for revenge. Tom took advantage of Wilsons mourning for

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