
Analysis Of The Essay Spare The Rod, Spoil The Parenting

Decent Essays

In the essay “Spare the Rod, Spoil the Parenting” published in the Miami Herald (and reprinted in the 6th edition of the Allyn Bacon Guide to Writing) by author Leonard Pitts Jr., argues that mild corporal punishment is a good strategy for parents. Pitts feels that corporal punishment establish discipline and structure and without it we would be raising a generation of ungrateful, undisciplined, brats. But not too many people agree with corporal punishment, citing that it is another form of abuse. Pitts Jr., the goes into details in his essay about the differentiating the difference between mild corporal punishment, and actual physical abuse. In support with Pitts Jr.’s, Calvin College psychology professor Marjorie Gunnoe conducted a study on whether or not spanking caused more harm than good. In a report Dr. Gunnoe states “According to the study, children that were mildly punished up the age of 6, as teenagers were more likely to improve academically, consider college, and even volunteer …show more content…

A study conducted in this article by Murray Straus a University of New Hampshire professor, shows 110 studies have linked mild punishment to increased misbehavior during childhood, and well into adolescence. As well as experiencing issues in adulthood as well, issues such as abusing spouses or even experiencing depression. A study conducted by Diana Baumrind was used as a refutation point in Pitts Jr. earlier essay. In this article Diana Baumrind concluded that children who were spanked had no more of a behavioral problem then the children who weren’t. But goes on to say that parents who regularly rely on physical punishment, can cause harm to the

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