
Analysis Of Raymond Carver 's ' Popular Mechanics '

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Raymond Carver’s very short story, “Popular Mechanics” is seemingly set on the east coast or somewhere that experiences cold, wintery weather. Early on it foreshadows the potential of something bad or sad happening as it is dark inside. The couple in the story seems to be experiencing a bit of disagreement as they are separating and the male character gathers his belongings in preparation to leave. Unfortunately, their child was placed in the midst of the split as it is with almost all divorces between couples who have children. Of course, both parents want custody of their child, but they do not desire to have shared custody. The mother had caught a glimpse of a photo of the child and hid it in hopes the father wouldn’t mention them, but …show more content…

Today it is said that the number one cause of fights is due to finances or lack thereof. While unfortunate, money stirs up a lot of the problems nowadays. We have become dependent on money to survive after all it is what allows us to afford all the necessities such as food, water, and shelter as well as newer “necessities” such as Wi-Fi, cable, etc. when we do not have the means to afford such thing we stress and become upset occasionally taking things out on others thus causing fights, relationship problems, and all sorts of issues. It is possible that that was the case in Carver’s “Popular Mechanics.” While reading the text I could sadly make a personal connection that I believe a lot of people with divorced parents may also be able to relate to depending on the circumstances. When two people that have kids together split unless they split on “good terms” they tend to fight about the children whether its cause they take “better care” of them or whatever their argument may be in attempt to win over the child or custody of the child or children. A lot of people not only in my generation, but every generation really have experienced the struggles of divorced parents or broken relationships and this story really presents a visualization for one of those many struggles. Illumination The first couple lines of Carver’s story had me

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