
Analysis Of Lament For A Son And How The Author Of The Book ( Wolterstorff ) Found Joy After His Essay

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Every individual in this world will encounter grief throughout their lifetimes. It could be caused from the loss of a pet, a bad break up, losing a job, or losing a loved one. The body’s natural response is to grieve, every ones grieving process is unique and different in its own way. This paper will discuss the stages of grief by researching a book called “Lament for a Son” and how the author of the book ( Wolterstorff) found joy after his loss. The author of this paper will analyze and review what is the meaning and significance of death in light of the Christian narrative, as well as how the hope of resurrection can play a role in comforting Wolterstorff.
Five Stages of Grief
Five stages of grief were identified by Dr. Kubler-Ross; Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Everybody will grieve in their own unique way, and the order of the five stages may differ from everybody. Some people may not even go through certain stages at all. Grieving helps us get through a rough time whether is finding out a love one has passed or even your own dying process.
The first stage of grieving in Dr. Kubler- Ross’s model is denial. When someone goes through the passing of a loved one, they may feel as if it is not real, or that they are in a horrible dream. . Some people may experience denial by not being able to accept that someone has expired from this world, entered the dying process, or has a terminal illness and will leave this world. (Patricelli, n.d.)

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