
Analysis Of King Henry V

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By Shakespeare making audiences question this particular scene in the play and make Boudreaux 6 the distinction between the paths to win honor, readers and spectators can conclude that Shakespeare still has a particular fondness for Hotspur over Prince Henry, due to the fact that Hotspur’s actions are identified as the proper way of earning honor. In the end, Prince Henry’s intentions do become more honorable, because he does come to care about the kingdom in Henry V, but initially; it is selfish reasons that drove him to fight for honor. To continue the study of honor, Prince Henry becomes King Henry V in Shakespeare’s play King Henry V, and audiences see the continuation of the theme of honor throughout the play. Fast forwarding to Act Four, Scene Three, audiences hear one of many memorable speeches by King Henry V during his Crispin Day speech. King Henry V exclaims: This story shall the good man teach his son, And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered, We few, we happy few, we band of brothers- For he today that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother. (4.3.56-62) To recap, King Henry V is telling his men that if they fight, they will become a brother to him, which means calling them his equal. He tells them it does not matter if they live or die, because they will forever be remembered by all. They will have

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