
An Analysis Of Flannery O ' Connor 's A Good Man

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Bakane Franca Dr. Lorna Wiedmann English 202-025 December 12, 2014 The Devious Grandmother Have you ever noticed that, many individuals never awaken to reality unless they are exposed to violence? In Flannery O’Connor’s short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” his main character, the grandmother is a master manipulator. In the story, a family is destroyed not only because of accidents caused by the grandmother, but also because the grandmother is inconsiderate and self-centered; they are all killed because they meet a murderer who also is unable to see beyond his own insights and choices. Her manipulative capabilities, her selfish, self-centeredness and her Southern lady nature are all examples of her deceitful role. The grandmother is the master manipulator in this story. She tries to get anything she wants even if it means putting others’ lives in danger and by manipulating others to make her point. The grandmother after several attempts of trying to get attention from her son, Bailey and her daughter in-law, but to no avail, she decided to go see a plantation knowing that Bailey would not pay attention to her, she then turns to the children and lies about a secret panel, “There was a secrete panel in this house, and the story went that all the family’s silver was hidden in it when Sherman came through but it was never found” (O’Connor 312), she knows if she lies to the kids it will cause them to throwing a fit in the car which will in turn draw Bailey’s attention to

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