
African Kingdoms Dbq

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African Kingdoms were civilized prior to the accession of Europeans in the 15th century. African Kingdoms, such as Ghana, Mali and, Aksum were already progressive in the areas of trade, wealth, and overall advancement. Aksum’s location benefited the region’s advancement by making it a trading center. Mansa Musa was one of the most generous people who expanded the Mali empire through wealth. Through trade and wealth came overall advancement, which brought the rise of literature and art.
Trade was one aspect of the advancement of African Kingdoms before the arrival of Europeans. Trade notably developed due to the location of Aksum, a kingdom in Eastern Africa. Aksum was elongated from the Red Sea to the mountains, in which is present day Ethiopia. …show more content…

This was certainly the case in the Mali Empire. Mansa Musa, the founder of the Mali Empire, was extremely generous. A historian states, “there was no person, officer of the court, or holder of any office of the Sultanate who did not receive a sum of gold from him.” (Document 4). As he was traveling, he handed out gold to everyone in his vision; which then was seen as extremely valuable and in high demand. He became widely known throughout the Middle East and Europe, when he became emperor in 1307. The Mali Empire was able to spread rapidly due to Mansa Musa’s generosity. Mansa Musa was one of the richest people in the world. Originally based in Western Africa, the Mali Empire spread their culture and language, due to wealth. Additionally, the Mali Empire attained wealth due to trade. People became more invested in the Mali Empire because it was so advanced unaccompanied by the help of …show more content…

This success occurred between 300 and 1400. This was especially true with visitors giving perspectives on Timbuktu. Visitors were impressed with the amount of jobs that exist from the kings’ cost, such as the occupation of being a doctor, lawyer or a priest. Timbuktu also had a spread of education when many books and forms of literature were brought to them. The excerpt by a Moroccan traveler states that “various manuscripts and written books are brought here…and sold for more money than other merchandise.” (Document 5). This means that because books were so valuable and so important to their culture, it shows how advanced their society truly is. Bronze sculptures are an example of Benin figures which are seen as a wonder. There were many materials that went into the creative process such as, “ clay, and wax, and red metal [copper], and solder [zinc] and lead, and fire…” as said by an artisan (Document 7). After constructing the figure, you must let it cool down by setting it aside. From that, the clay’s outside breaks off, for the reveal of the sculpture. These beautiful figures of Benin, show progression in the society of Western Africa. In order to be able to create art, there is a rigorous cycle that bases the overall advancement of a kingdom. The cycle began with a surplus of food, which lead to population growth and better health. Then people did not have to worry to such an extent

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