
African Americans In The 1600's

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In the National Anthem, the United states is described as “the land of the free.” Unfortunately, our world in the 1600-1865 did not portray the saying that America was the land of the free. African Americans, slaves, and women were treated as if they didn’t have the ability to live out their freedom like land-owning white males. Throughout the time period of the 1600s-1885, “the land of the free” would not be a suitable title for America. Slavery was a large problem in the 1500’s. Although not all African Americans slaves, only about half a million African Americans lived in freedom. Slaves were not thought of as human beings, but referred to as “property.” Slaves were treated awful, with no respect or caution whatsoever. They woke up in the morning, had a mouthful of corn or cornbread, and began their dreadful day …show more content…

No matter how tired, sore, or sick they were feeling, they were required to do what they were ordered. They worked outside in all types weather. Hot, cold, rain or shine. The living conditions were not any better. Slaves were stuffed in a small crowded room in cabins. They were only given two coarse linen shirts per year, along with linen trousers, a pair of trousers for winter, one pair of stockings, and one pair of shoes. When those clothes gave out on them, they had no choice but to remain naked until they received their next set of clothing. They lived without any beds or furniture; most of the time they slept on a hay bed they made. With hard labor and tough living conditions, there was still so much more torture the slaves had to experience. If they disobeyed their slaveholders, they would get beaten until blood began to show. There were attempts to escape slavery into freedom, but taking this risk

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