
Affirmative Rebuttal

Decent Essays

I was part of the rebuttal for the Negative Team. My part of the argument was to rebut the Affirmative Team’s point that the First Amendment rendered the school rule unconstitutional. However, I argued that the school rule was not unconstitutional, as it had not broken any part of the First Amendment by only asking the students to be quiet while the anthem played. Additionally, I turned the argument on them during the rebuttal, by proving why Philip was being a disturbance, and the First Amendment’s freedom of speech could not protect him, as freedom of speech is defined as the legal right to express one’s opinion freely. The three main points introduced by the other team included that Narwin was unjust and biased, Philip has the right to freedom …show more content…

I projected by voice to be louder, and I believe that I spoke at a fairly moderate pace and emphasized when necessary. In my rebuttal, I also used the book and also used a dictionary to help support the arguments that I made. I also used a real-world example in our classroom, when I discussed how Ms. Breault was not violating our rights to the First Amendment when she tells us to quiet down. However, I could have improved on certain aspects of my argument. I feel like my argument did not completely address their argument, and there were still aspects of their argument that were left unrebutted. The Supreme Court case was a point I did not specifically address, but it was still a very powerful part of that argument. Additionally, I believe that I could have used some more analysis in my rebuttal. I was very brief about commentary on why the rule did not violate the First Amendment, and I could have directed the rebuttal more on Philip and blamed him even more, making our case stronger and their case weaker. Overall, I felt that this debate was quite interesting, as the Affirmative Team still put up a fight and introduced some very excellent points and evidence I would have never thought of, although I am certain most, if not all, of us agreed with the Negative side before this debate started. By this debate, I learned several aspects of a debate and how a debate is structured overall. I also learned what makes a strong argument in a debate: powerful evidence, convincing evidence, and no holes. I had a great experience doing this debate, and I find it unfortunate we will not have time to do another one this school

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