
Advantages Of Representative Democracy

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Representative democracy is a modified version of our government now. It is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected officials representing a group of people, as opposed to direct democracy. This is very similar to what goes on now because of the two parties and the election. The Greeks came up with the representative government as a solution for the direct democracy. The democratic democracy was a form of government where all eligible citizens had to vote for every issue. It was very impractical because the minority would have no say in this due to the fact that everyone is voting. With everyone voting this makes the cost go up and corruption would still occur. This was a problem because imagine having to vote on every single issue and in a country as big as the U.S. it certainly wouldn’t work. This is why the representative democracy was a better fit than the direct democracy.
Conservatism is an ideology of representative democracy. They believe in a lot of different things such as personal responsibility, a limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. They also think the government's role should be to provide people with freedom necessary for them to achieve their own goals. Conservative policies generally want the individual to solve their own problems. A free market produces more economic growth, more jobs, and higher standards of living than any other systems and excessive

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