
Abraham Lincoln's Accomplishments

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Abraham Lincoln was a very ambitious man who was always trying to get new information, or learn some type of new skill. Even when Lincoln was young he had an urge to learn. He moved to Illinois in 1830, where he obtained several jobs that taught him a strong work ethic. Later on he moved to New Salem where he became a businessman, and gained many skills that he would use throughout his life as a political leader. After moving to Springfield, Lincoln’s political career began to take shape. Living on the frontier taught Lincoln a lot, he learned many skills, and different ways to interact with people. From businessman, to politician, to sixteenth president Lincoln's journey to greatness began in the tranquil fields of Illinois. Although he began …show more content…

During the two hundred mile long journey, the family traveled with thirteen other people, and took three wagons. (Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years and the War Years 15). Lincoln, now twenty-two years old, drove one of the wagons (lincoln.lib.niu). When they arrived Lincoln was stuck out on his own. He had made a living off of manual labor in the past. He was known for his skills in welding, and handling an ax. Being on his own and doing manual labor taught Lincoln even further about the benefits of hard work (biography). A short time after living in Illinois, Lincoln landed a job working on a river flat boat, hauling freight down the mississippi river to New Orleans (history). One spring day in April as Lincoln headed down the Mississippi River, one of the flat boats became stranded on the dam. The men had tried to float the boat over the dam but it was stuck, and was threatening to sink. Lincoln took charge, and went ashore to borrow an auger at Onstot’s coopershop, he returned and boarded a hole in the bow allowing the water to run out. He then plugged the hole and the boat with lightened cargo was eased over the dam. The owner of the boat introduced himself as Denton Offutt. The villagers stared at Lincoln with interest. Offutt hired Lincoln, his step brother, and cousin to take the flat boat to New Orleans. Upon his return, Lincoln would be in charge of mill operations. His task would be to build a boat with rollers to enable it to get over shoals and create runners for use on ice (Platt 60). Along his journey down the Mississippi River, Lincoln spent much time delivering speeches to the trees, stumps, rows of corn, and potatoes, little did he know that he was preparing himself for his first ever political speech in favor of improving the navigation on the Sangamon River (Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years and the War Years 21)

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